Q: Do you think the country is prepared for disasters? What is your role in disaster risk reduction?
A: I'm confident. I don't feel any pressure right now since the disaster has not happened yet. Well, my role for me is so important because… Hahaha. Oh, I'm so sorry. Ummm... My role is… Okay, I'm so sorry. I told you that I'm so confident. Sorry, guys, because the Earth is so important and this is really my first pageant ever because I'm only young. Hahaha. Hmmm... Well, my role for me is so important because there was... there will be... Hahaha. Thank you so much for the question, and I am so thankful to be here.
– Rappler.com
#FridayFeels is a cartoon series by the Rappler Creatives Team. Cathartic, light, but relevant, it's a welcome break from your heavy news feed! You can pitch illustration ideas by sending a message to the Rappler Facebook page.