It’s that time of the year, so we figure we should not begrudge ourselves for doing this.
Here’s our own list of wishes for the year of the Earth Pig, 2019.
Catholic Church
We wish them to show – not just tell– us the way.
We wish them to disobey illegal orders.
We wish them troubled sleep with every kill.
We wish them a playing field not rigged for new cronies and the Chinese.
Presidential appointees
We wish them a leaner budget, fewer travels, and more work.
We wish Gloria Arroyo upon them – and the needed discomfort that she'll bring.
We wish them a constant reminder from Makati Judge Andres Soriano: "Without the rule of law, there is arbitrariness. And with arbitrariness there is anarchy."
We wish the tech giant to continue gate-keeping till it hurts.
We wish them to be bold, to be brave – before Freddie Aguilar buries them alive.
We wish them more resources, more skills – so they can better scrutinize power.
President Rodrigo Duterte
We wish him a year without marijuana or fentanyl (or whatever else he’s taking that's messing with his head).
The nation
We wish for a low boiling point of rage in the face of incompetence, lies, and injustice.
May your and our wishes come true.
Happy New Year! –